01 Apr Dundas Castle to play host to future sporting disciplines
Here at Dundas Castle we have always been proud supporters of health and wellbeing in society. One such example of our support was announced this morning. In light of the major sporting events taking place in Scotland this summer, Dundas was asked to play host to future sporting disciplines right here on the estate. These are to include judo, synchronised swimming and dressage.
Reports suggest that athletes have expressed delight at the thought of competing at Dundas Castle with one judo representative commenting that it will be a nice change to trade an airy stadium of mats for a chandelier lit room with wall to wall carpets. Swimming spectators will be thrilled to line the Dundas loch with VIP guests enjoying an event from the limited space on the Boathouse balcony. In an unusual twist, dressage competitions to take place on the lawns will include the llamas that reside here on the Dundas Estate and organisers are sure that these sportings events will bring in more spectators and boost the local economy.
Final comments come from a Dundas spokesperson who said that they couldn’t be more proud to be a part Scotland’s heritage of sporting prowess. The announcement on the morning of April 1st would be one of many exciting developments here at the Castle over the next year and someone would be a ‘fool’ to miss out on this experience.